Welcome to Pack 13Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 13 in Mansfield, Massachusetts.
Pack 13 is comprised of all the Cub Scouts in each Den and their parents. Packs are chartered by many types of charitable organizations. These organizations provide for meeting space and other support as requested by the Pack.
Pack 13 was chartered on December 1, 1942 by the Orthodox Congregational Church of Mansfield which is located at 17 West Street.
The Pack is organized by the Pack Committee who are Den Leaders, and other Cub Scout parents and advisors. The Pack Committee and parents meet monthly before each Pack Meeting to review programs and plan new ones. Pack Committee Login Cub Scout Promise
I ________ promise to do my best To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people, and To obey the Law of the Pack. The Law of the Pack
The Cub Scout follows Akela. The Cub Scout helps the pack go. The pack helps the Cub Scout grow. The Cub Scout gives goodwill. |
Parent/Committee Meeting (12/13 at 7pm). All are invted to attend the monthly Parent/Committee meeting on Tues. 12/13 at 7pm in the committee room of the church.
Registrations Due. Please get your completed Pack Registration, Medical forms (Parts A & B) and Pack dues ($85) in to your den leader as soon as possible. Checks should be made out to "BSA Pack 13".
Christmas Trees. If you are planning on purchasing a freshly cut Christmas tree, please consider supporting local Boy Scout Troops while doing it. Troop 17, who is also chartered by the OCC and has many former Pack 13 members, has been running a tree lot directly across the street from the church for over 50 years. Consider helping them (or one of our town's other troops) out by buying from their lot. Note: you may even see some of our own Webelos there.
Pack 13 needs your help! Just as a Cub makes the Pack go, so do adult volunteers. We have many positions to fill, and are asking for parents' help. Many positions are "non-uniformed", and require just a little of your time. You'll be rewarded with the knowledge that you helped our Cubs get he most out of their time in the pack. Details are here.
Upcoming Events for Pack 13 - Click on event for more details or click on Events to go to the full calendar.Scout Night at New England RevolutionPack 13 attended Scout Night at New England Revolution on September 26, 2009. Revs beat Seatle 2-1!