Pack 13 Popcorn Fundraiser
Pack 13's fundraiser this year is selling popcorn. This fundraiser is coordinated through Narragansett Council, and usually runs from Late September to mid-November. Scouts have many options on how to sell -- from "show & sells", to "take-orders", to on-line sales.
See for the products
See for the products
How the Fundraiser benefits the Pack
The pack relies on this fundraiser for its annual operating budget (beyond the Scout fees). We use the money collected to rent activity space, reduce out-of-pocket costs to the events, provide supplies for events, and to provide training to leaders. The Pack also sets aside a significant portion of the profits for "scouterships", which benefit needy scouts in our own pack.
The pack relies on this fundraiser for its annual operating budget (beyond the Scout fees). We use the money collected to rent activity space, reduce out-of-pocket costs to the events, provide supplies for events, and to provide training to leaders. The Pack also sets aside a significant portion of the profits for "scouterships", which benefit needy scouts in our own pack.
How the Fundraiser benefits the Scout
A Cub Scout earns credits for each popcorn product he sells. These credits may be applied toward the cost of Pack events he attends - such as sleepovers, summer camp, etc. Unused credits rollover into his next Cub Scout year.
The amount of popcorn he sells may qualify him for additional prizes, too, directly from Trails-End. There are giftcards, prizes and even College scholarships, all basedon the quantity sold.
A Cub Scout earns credits for each popcorn product he sells. These credits may be applied toward the cost of Pack events he attends - such as sleepovers, summer camp, etc. Unused credits rollover into his next Cub Scout year.
The amount of popcorn he sells may qualify him for additional prizes, too, directly from Trails-End. There are giftcards, prizes and even College scholarships, all basedon the quantity sold.
How the Fundraiser benefits the Council
A potion of the Popcorn sales go directly to the Narragansett Council. The Council uses these funds for their annual opporating budget, just as the pack does. The Council diectly supports the Pack by providing "paperwork" support (registrations, advancements, recruiting), running the local Scout Camp (Camp Norse), Council-sponsored events (Covered Wagon, Pine Wood Derby, Webelos Woods, etc). The Council also runs a ScoutReach progam to help underpriveleged kids enjoy the promise of Scouting.
A potion of the Popcorn sales go directly to the Narragansett Council. The Council uses these funds for their annual opporating budget, just as the pack does. The Council diectly supports the Pack by providing "paperwork" support (registrations, advancements, recruiting), running the local Scout Camp (Camp Norse), Council-sponsored events (Covered Wagon, Pine Wood Derby, Webelos Woods, etc). The Council also runs a ScoutReach progam to help underpriveleged kids enjoy the promise of Scouting.
Popcorn Kernel
The Popcorn Kernel position is very important to the Pack. This person organizes the popcorn fundraiser and works closely with the Annawon Council and Pack 13. Judy Kasprzyk has kindy volunteered to act as our Popcorn Kernel this year. She does need help, though. Please contact Judy, and she will provide you with all the information you need and work with you during this year's fundraiser.
The Popcorn Kernel position is very important to the Pack. This person organizes the popcorn fundraiser and works closely with the Annawon Council and Pack 13. Judy Kasprzyk has kindy volunteered to act as our Popcorn Kernel this year. She does need help, though. Please contact Judy, and she will provide you with all the information you need and work with you during this year's fundraiser.
Ways to Sell
Show & Sells:
The show & sell is direct selling with the product. The Popcorn Kernel has worked with local businesses to get approval for Pack 13 to sell popcorn at their establishment during specific dates and times. The Scouts setup a table at the business, and have the popcorn there, ready for impulse buying (booth/cash & carry). Show & Sells not only are great for impulse buyers, but helps the Scouts interact with Adults (a method of Scouting) & puts Scoutin out in the community. It's usually a fun time for the boys!
The Den Leaders will sign their dens up for specific dates and times at approved locations . The sales will be split evenly between the boys attending the show & sell for purposes of prizes and popcorn credits.
All Cub Scouts should wear their Class A uniforms when selling popcorn. At least 1 Leader and 1 other adult must be present at each selling location.
The show & sell is direct selling with the product. The Popcorn Kernel has worked with local businesses to get approval for Pack 13 to sell popcorn at their establishment during specific dates and times. The Scouts setup a table at the business, and have the popcorn there, ready for impulse buying (booth/cash & carry). Show & Sells not only are great for impulse buyers, but helps the Scouts interact with Adults (a method of Scouting) & puts Scoutin out in the community. It's usually a fun time for the boys!
The Den Leaders will sign their dens up for specific dates and times at approved locations . The sales will be split evenly between the boys attending the show & sell for purposes of prizes and popcorn credits.
All Cub Scouts should wear their Class A uniforms when selling popcorn. At least 1 Leader and 1 other adult must be present at each selling location.
Show & Sell Dates
Dates & places for 2016 are published on the Pack Calendar
Sign-up sheets will be available at the first den meetings
Sign-up sheets will be available at the first den meetings
Scouts bring products with them as they sell door-to-door (i.e.,the "little red wagon" method). Scouts Each den is given a supply of popcorn that can be used for show & sells or door-to-door selling. See you den leader if you would like this option. The cubs collect the money as they sell. All checks should be made out to "Pack 13 BSA".
All Cub Scouts should wear their Class A uniforms when selling popcorn. Scouts shouls be accompanied by an adult when selling door-to-door.
Scouts bring products with them as they sell door-to-door (i.e.,the "little red wagon" method). Scouts Each den is given a supply of popcorn that can be used for show & sells or door-to-door selling. See you den leader if you would like this option. The cubs collect the money as they sell. All checks should be made out to "Pack 13 BSA".
All Cub Scouts should wear their Class A uniforms when selling popcorn. Scouts shouls be accompanied by an adult when selling door-to-door.
Take Orders:
Orders are taken on an order form, and, after the form and money is turned in, popcorn is ordered for Scouts to deliver at a later time.
This method is great for house-to-house selling. The order form is also great for parents who want to bring the form into their workplace for added sales (remember, sale proceeds directly bnefit your Scout).
You may collect the money as you take-orders, or you can collect the money when you deliver the products, However, we recommend taking money up front, as you are responsible for paying for your order when turning in the form. All checks should be made out to "Pack 13 BSA".
All Cub Scouts should wear their Class A uniforms when selling popcorn. Scouts should be accompanied by an adult when selling door-to-door.
Orders are taken on an order form, and, after the form and money is turned in, popcorn is ordered for Scouts to deliver at a later time.
This method is great for house-to-house selling. The order form is also great for parents who want to bring the form into their workplace for added sales (remember, sale proceeds directly bnefit your Scout).
You may collect the money as you take-orders, or you can collect the money when you deliver the products, However, we recommend taking money up front, as you are responsible for paying for your order when turning in the form. All checks should be made out to "Pack 13 BSA".
All Cub Scouts should wear their Class A uniforms when selling popcorn. Scouts should be accompanied by an adult when selling door-to-door.
Online Sales:
Scouts expand their customer base when they sell online. By sending emails to friends and family who live far away, Scouts reach customers who they otherwise would not be able to sell to. Selling online also eliminates time-consuming deliveries.
Scouts set up their own account on All online sales go to the pack and council in the Scout's name, and Trail’s End
ships the product directly to the consumer.
Scouts expand their customer base when they sell online. By sending emails to friends and family who live far away, Scouts reach customers who they otherwise would not be able to sell to. Selling online also eliminates time-consuming deliveries.
Scouts set up their own account on All online sales go to the pack and council in the Scout's name, and Trail’s End
ships the product directly to the consumer.