Annual Pack Rocket Launch
Plymouth St. Fields
Mansfield June 5th, 2011 (Rain Date June 12th) 2PM Calling all Astroscouts, The Pack 13 Rocket launch is upcoming! Please meet at the Plymouth St. soccer fields on Sunday June 5 from 2:00till ~4:00pm for an exciting day of rocketry. The Weather Officer is monitoring the weather, and it is currently looking good for launch operations during our launch window.
Attire: Scouts are encouraged to wear their Astroscout uniform for the event, which consists of: · 1 qty T-shirt, red, Class-B, Pack 13 · 1 qty Pants/shorts · 1 qty Shoes & Socks, pair (each) · 1 qty Sunscreen (enough to cover exposed areas) · 1 qty Water Bottle, filled, water · 1 qty Hat/Helmet (of their choice) · 1000 qty "Oooos!!!", "Aaaaahs!!!", "Wows!!!" &"Awesomes" Parents may want to bring lawn chairs or blankets to watch the event. Time till Launch |
Launch Learning :
(Some wisdom from our former Cubmaster, Mr. Ham) I would ask all Den Leaders to remind their Scouts and parents that the Rocket Launch is another opportunity for learning. In life, there are things that happen which are beyond our control-how we deal with these situations are important opportunities for learning. There will be some rockets that will not return to the earth in a manner or a time that we expect. Please prepare the Scouts for this possibility-how we deal with the unexpected is sometimes a more important lesson than when things run smoothly. A good Rocket Launch means that we learn as we go and have fun in the process.
(Some wisdom from our former Cubmaster, Mr. Ham) I would ask all Den Leaders to remind their Scouts and parents that the Rocket Launch is another opportunity for learning. In life, there are things that happen which are beyond our control-how we deal with these situations are important opportunities for learning. There will be some rockets that will not return to the earth in a manner or a time that we expect. Please prepare the Scouts for this possibility-how we deal with the unexpected is sometimes a more important lesson than when things run smoothly. A good Rocket Launch means that we learn as we go and have fun in the process.
Launch Preparation:
In preparation for our Rocket Launch (Sunday, June 5th from 2:00-4:00p.m. at the Plymouth Street fields, please be sure the Scouts have a means of identifying their respective rockets (i.e., putting their names on their rockets-maybe using clear contact paper over their name, coloring them, etc.). Also, as the winds can be strong and the trees can be hungry, I would strongly recommend that for those rockets which have a parachute recovery system, please cut out a sizable hole in the chute to reduce the hang time. Again, a signed waiver form from the Rocketry Club is required for each scout before launching their rockets. Forms will be available at the sign-in table, but a form that has already been filled out will speed the launch process.
In preparation for our Rocket Launch (Sunday, June 5th from 2:00-4:00p.m. at the Plymouth Street fields, please be sure the Scouts have a means of identifying their respective rockets (i.e., putting their names on their rockets-maybe using clear contact paper over their name, coloring them, etc.). Also, as the winds can be strong and the trees can be hungry, I would strongly recommend that for those rockets which have a parachute recovery system, please cut out a sizable hole in the chute to reduce the hang time. Again, a signed waiver form from the Rocketry Club is required for each scout before launching their rockets. Forms will be available at the sign-in table, but a form that has already been filled out will speed the launch process.
Launch Assistance:
The launch requires a large team of helpers to be successful. If you would like to help, please e-mail me (or call at my number below). For those assisting with the launch, please show up at the fields by 1:00p.m. to set up and to go over the launch procedures.
We would appreciate assistance with the following Launch Staff positions:
The launch requires a large team of helpers to be successful. If you would like to help, please e-mail me (or call at my number below). For those assisting with the launch, please show up at the fields by 1:00p.m. to set up and to go over the launch procedures.
We would appreciate assistance with the following Launch Staff positions:
- Pre-Event Set-up Team (PESTs) ;-) -- sets up the tables, ropes off the area, etc. (I have stakes and rope). Please show up at 1:30 for setup.
- Launch Control Officer (LCO) -- Runs the whole show (safety speech, coordinates the action, initiates the countdowns, maintains control of safety key at all times, pushes the button, etc.)
- Range Safety Officer (RSO) -- takes care to check the sky and the range. Makes sure everyone is paying attention. Gives the All-clear prior to launch. Deals with misfires.
- Registration And Waiver Maintainer/Executor/Administrator Team (RAWMEAT) - Takes care of sign-ins & waiver forms. Maintains control of the First Aid kit
- Rocket Inspection/ Recovery Systems Team (RIRST) -- Checks the rockets for construction. Performs general repairs, as needed. Packs the wadding & chute/streamer
- Engine/ignition Assembly Team (EATs) -- Assists with engine assembly. Maintains control of all engines. Places the engine into the rocket. Places ignitors & plugs into the engine. Makes sure that Scout holds rocket (with installed ignitor) with nose toward the ground.
- Launch Pad Technicians (LPTs) -- Assist with the actual launch. Loads the rockets onto the pads. Attaches the ignitor wires to the battery. Performs general troubleshooting.
- Scout Control Team (SCT) -- In charge of flow of Scouts to the launch area. Maintains control in the waiting line. Walks the scouts and their rockets to the launch area when it is their turn.
- Recovery Team (RT) -- The scouts will facilitate rocket recovery. We will need a Recovery Coordination Officer (RCO) to facilitate scout recovery. :-)
Pre-launch Procedures:
There will be a briefing for all launch participants and spectators regarding safety procedures and guidelines for launching our rockets. While all rockets are still earth-bound, we will take a group picture with all rocketeers.
There will be a briefing for all launch participants and spectators regarding safety procedures and guidelines for launching our rockets. While all rockets are still earth-bound, we will take a group picture with all rocketeers.
General Launch Procedure:
- Scouts firing rockets will turn-in a completed waiver form at the registration table, and then queue between the registration tables and safety ropes.
- The scout will proceed to the Rocket Inspection/ Recovery Systems Team (RIRST) table, where the rocket will be given a safety inspection. The parachute will be inspected/trimmed (as needed)/rolled/folded, wadding inserted, and then the parachute/streamer.
- The scout will then bring their launch vehicle to the Engine/ignition Assembly Team (EATs) team for engine assembly. The EAT technician will install the engine, an ignitor and a plug.
- The scout will then wait, holding the rocket nose down (thus avoiding the "lost plug & ignitor" syndrome) till called to the launch platform by the Scout Control Team (SCT). Only scouts launching rockets will be permitted in the roped off launch area.
- An SCT member will bring the scout to the launch platform, where the Launch Pad Technicians (LPTs) will take control of the rocket, give it one last safety check, and load the rocket on the launch pad.
- The SCT will bring the scout(s) involved in the launch to the Launch Control (LCO) and the launch control table
- The Range Safety Officer (RSO) will visually check the sky, the range and general control of the area, and give the all-clear.
- The LCO will commence with countdown. At this point, all scouts and spectators should be paying attention to the launch pad. Though rare, a launch can go wrong, and an alert person is much less susceptible to injury. Besides, don't you want to watch the launch? :-)
- Once launched, the spectators should Ooooo and Awwwww the spectacle. ;-)
- The scouts, once given the all-clear by the RSO, will recover their rockets (hopefully), and may re-enter the line for another launch.
Please wear your Class B Uniforms
(that is, the Pack T-shirt)
(that is, the Pack T-shirt)