Robinson Cafeteria 7pm
Interested in learning about what cub scouting has to offer for you child? Pack 13 is welcoming all parents/guardians of children (girls and boys) in K through 5th grade for night to meet with leaders in the pack. Please come armed with questions! This is aimed for adults only but there will be an quiet coloring/activity page table set up for kids.
Robinson Cafeteria 7pm
Scouts will be out and about various locations selling popcorn and other treats for our annual fall fundraiser. Almost 75% of all proceeds come back to support our local pack. The money from this major fundraiser supports our pack throughout the year, such as purchasing supplies needed during Den meetings, advancement materials, offering Scouts free access to Pack events and more - we need your help! Scouts will also enjoy many awesome rewards from this experience!
Scout are also able to sell to neighbors, family and friends. All forms must be returned Oct29th and purchases will be available after 12/3. Thanks so much for supporting us! On Wednesday May 25th from 6:30-8:00 our come join us at Camp Everwood in Sharon for a pack meeting around a campfire. More details to follow.
Join the pack in a hike at Blue Hill reservation. Trevor Humphreys from the Bears to lead. More details coming soon.
Mark your calendars for an exciting celebration honoring our current Webelo Dens. The two dens will be honored for achievement of the highest rank in CubScouting; Arrow of Light. Camp Norse (112 Parting Ways Rd) in Kingston MA to host the event. Celebration to begin at 10. We will also be planning a short hike after the ceremony followed by a campfire with smore's and snacks. It is a great opportunity to check out the camp for anyone considering their summer camp program. Looking forward to celebrating with everyone!
Annual Angle Tree Fishing Derby
Fulton’s Pond Mansfield June 1st, 2013 9:00AM to 1:00PM Annawon Council's Angle Tree District will be holding their Annual Fishing Derby at Mansfield's Fulton Pond (right behind our meeting place). Please bring your own fishing equipment. $5.00 Entry Fee Awards for Biggest Fish & Most Fish State Wide “License Free” Fishing Weekend! Please Register online at Please wear your Class B Uniforms (that is, the Pack T-shirt) The outdoor pack meeting will be at Camp Everwood in Sharon. It is located at 125 Lakeview Street in Sharon. Directions are here: .
Things to know: a) The meeting will be on Friday, May 17th at 7:00. Given the fun that can be had around the campfire on a spring evening, we may go a little later than usual, but will try to be wrapped up by 8:30-8:45. We will wrap up the “business” part of the meeting towards the front, so anyone with younger scouts who is concerned about the later time can feel free to leave when they feel it appropriate. b) There are restroom facilities there, and we do have a building we can use in case of poor weather. So we are planning on being there rain or shine. c) The pack will be providing drinks and ingredients for the scouts to make S'mores. d) We will be doing the meeting around a camp fire. For those wishing more comfort than can be found sitting on the ground, some sort of chair may not be a bad idea. e) “A scout is prepared.” Don’t forget flashlights and bug spray! f) We would like each den to prepare a skit or a song to share. As time permits, we will also allow individuals or small groups to freelance. Always fun! Greetings all scouts new and old,
I hope that everyone has been enjoying their summer. While we have not been having regular den and pack meetings, the Pack has not been idle! Many scouts attended day camp at Camp Norse or overnight camp at Camp Carpenter and had a blast with activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, athletics, Archery, and BB shooting. There have been other fun pack events such as an overnight camping trip in the outfield of McCoy Stadium after watching a Pawsox game, attending a Red Sox game and a Pack ice cream social. Our volunteer adult leaders have not been idle either! We held our annual pack planning meeting and this upcoming year looks awesome! We are planning some really cool pack sleepovers including sleeping on a battleship at Battleship Cove, the Mystic Aquarium, a camping overnight at Camp Norse, and a possible adventure night at the Foxboro YMCA. We have some other really fun activities in the works as well such as indoor rock climbing, a hayride, tubing at Nashoba, and attending events such as a Providence Bruins game, Monster Truck Jam, and Harlem Globetrotters. As usual we will also be holding our annual Pinewood Derby and Rocket Launch. You can review the entire 2012/2013 calendar on our Pack 13 Event Calendar page. Our regular den meetings will be starting on the week of September 10 and our first pack meeting will be on Friday Sept 21st. Your den leaders should be in touch to give you details. For new incoming Tigers (incoming 1st graders), we will be determining a meeting day and time shortly for den meetings and breaking up into as many dens as needed (6-8 scouts per den). Tiger parents, please contact our cubmaster Paul Wheeler if you have any questions. He can be reached at [email protected]. Yours in Scouting, Kevin Mocklin Pack Committee Chair Cub Scout Pack 13 Mansfield, MA 508-339-7078 (Home) 774-266-0274 (Cell) [email protected] Please note that the time for the Pinewood Derby on Saturday March 17 has been shifted one hour later to try and accommodate those people planning to attend the character breakfast at Jordan/Jackson. The races will now start at 10:00am instead of 9:00am. The full schedule and other details for the derby can be found on the Pinewood Derby event page.
Please note that date of the Council Arrow of Light Ceremony at Bishop Feehan has been changed to April 12 (Thursday).
Check-in is at 7:00pm. The ceremony begins at 7:30pm. Get there early to get the best seats! Note: this ceremony is for all Webelos II's crossing over to a Boy Scout Troop. More details will be following, as we get closer to the event. |
Pack 13Pack 13 has been chartered to the Orthodox Congregational Church in Mansfield, MA since Dec. 1, 1942 Archives
September 2022